Grace Tuthill: Collaborative Intuition, Witt Gallery, CSUS

Grace Tuthill: Collaborative Intuition
Febrary 24- 28, 2020
Witt Gallery, Kadema Hall, CSUS 


          I went to the reception for Tuthill’s show and there were more people than during regular gallery hours. She constructs space with her abstract ceramic pieces and sand. Therefore, I believe the atmosphere of the show would be very different depending on the number of people in the space.. The floor of the gallery is a dark amber that is quite similar in color to most of her ceramic pieces and the sand’s light creamy brown looked shiny with light creating contrast. It was evening so I felt the sand color looked brighter than in day time.

           Tuthill shared her short bio and art statement. She mentioned a little bit about her childhood difficulties and how being part of the ceramic community has helped her to express her various emotions and experience. I thought all of the ceramic pieces that were sitting on the tables or floor were the result of her life healing process. Even more, she describes their shapes like coral, the human brain, or microscopic diatoms and these organic shapes can be the universal human perspective of nature.

            Tuthill’s observation of ceramic artwork, which comes from the earth, sand, and clay made me think more about different stages of my materials. I have been thinking about the liquid stage of my pigment and of my plastic before my creating action starts. Through this contemplation, I have realized my creating process is getting more complicated and more thoughtful. It seems like I pay attention to each step less because they have become my habits and life.

Artist bio and Art statement 
Floor Installation 

Music by John

Small sculptures view on reception evening 

Coner Installation 


  1. Nice blog! and I like the amount of pictures you have and the quality of them. One thing I notice about the sand is that the placement is similar to the shapes of the ceramic pieces.


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